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Our Business Case  

Architosh's business case is a compelling strategy based on industry growth patterns, market research and a strategic position designed to capitolize on both incremental growth and a windfall in the Mac OS X market. Read on to understand why Architosh's unique position can help you market and deploy your products for the CAD/CAM/3D/AEC industries.

The personal computer industry is under tremendous transformational forces in the market as we enter this new millenium. Technology firms are scambling to address new emerging market segments, adopt key new technologies and focus on new brand marketing and strategic business plans for the new networked economy.

While a plethora of new digital divices are being created to exploit and take advantage of doing business in a networked world, the CAD/CAM and 3D visualization markets are as strong and promising as ever. And within this larger market the Macintosh platform is re-emerging as a critical growth market for the technical visualization industries.

The Apple Macintosh platform has always been the leader in the design, publishing and multimedia market. As technical disciplines move online in a networked economy their similarity to the design, publishing and multimedia industry increases significantly -- and in some cases become indistinguishable. This trend is irreversible and the Macintosh platform is perfectly poised to take advantage of it.

As a result of these forces in the computer and technical industries, Architosh has experienced dramatic growth over the course of the last 16 months, identifying an opportunity to be the first full service information portal dedicated exclusively to the emerging Macintosh CAD/CAM/3D/AEC industries.


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