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28 Jan 2005 [updated: 2 Feb 05: 12:40pm]

Breaking News: Architrion is back - and for Mac OS X

Eric Pace has written in to tell us that his company Pace Technologie is the new owner and developer of the famed Architrion architectural CAD software. The new web site is all in French at the moment so English speaking users will need to bring out their old French class dictionaries to fully read the site.

Architrion For Mac OS X and Linux

Although we have not fully confirmed this, it appears that Architrion is available for Mac OS X, Windows XP and -- get this -- Linux. Architosh has written in to obtain more details on their plans with the software and its availability, which seems to be planned for March 2005.

We would appreciate some French speaking reader's help on this report. More to follow. Write us:

Update: We have a few more details on the product Architrion in our forums. In addition to the fact that the product is back and ready to roll again, it now comes in two versions and a product named Batimax is also available. That product is older as well and is used by construction professionals. We are trying to get more detail and we see that the developer has joined our forums but has not replied to our request for more information. Again, we have a few more details from our best effort at translating the French info in our forums here.


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Product Review: Nemetschek VectorWorks Architect 2008

Product Review: Maxon Cinema 4D 10.5

Architosh conducting Architecture industry BIM survey for 2008 - participants get free report and chance to win Apple iPod

Enterprise Workshop: Tools choices for Macs in enterprise locationso - Part 1

Only on Architosh

Chatside - Architosh Talks to Dr. Biplab Sarkar About Parasolid - [28 Sep] Hot!

Chatside - Architosh Talks to Marc Fredrickson of FormFonts 3D - [28 Sep] Hot!

Nemetschek Press Event Diary: Inner Harbor and Parasolid - [19 Sep] Hot!

Mac CAD: Quick Facts About What Parasolid Brings to Vectorworks 2009 - [15 Sep] Hot!

Mac Architect: Hotson Bakker Boniface Haden: Apple Profiles Canadian Architecture Firm - [9 Sep] Hot!

Novedge publishes interview with Architosh Publisher and Founder - [9 Sep] Hot!

Mac 3D: First Release of Rhino for Mac still one year away: keep using betas - [5 Sep] Hot!

Architosh 3.0 to Arrive This Fall with Fully Modern Site Design - [30 Aug] Hot!

Feedback: Readers Write in On "Apple and BIM" Commentaries - [28 Jul] Hot!

Commentary: Apple and BIM: Should Apple Buy Nemetschek of Germany? - [28 Jul] Hot!

Architosh Creates New Forums Sign-Up Process - [24 Sep]

Latest News and Reports

Mac 3D: Pixologic announces ZBrush 3.12 for Mac OS X - [1 Oct]

Mac 3D: New ProjectionMan, BodyPaint 3D and Doodle Training Vids for C4D - [1 Oct]

LightWave 3D team for Battlestar Galactica wins 2008 Emmy - [1 Oct]

Autodesk announces 64-bit Revit Platform for BIM - [1 Oct]

Mac 3D: LightWork Design announces new LightWorks 7.9 - [30 Sep]

Apple Store Event: BIM and Architecture on the Mac - [30 Sep]

Tidbits: Mac CAD/3D News: NEL, TurboCAD Training and CubicVR - [30 Sep]

Mac BIM: AIA announces new BIM document E202 - [26 Sep]

Mac 3D: Luxology' Nexus powers visualization tool by Solidworks - [26 Sep]

Looking at AEC Features in Adobe Photoshop CS4 - [24 Sep] Hot!

VMware Fusion 2.0 for Mac OS X - [22 Sep]

ACW Distribution (HK) Limited to Distribute ArchiCAD in Hong Kong - [22 Sep]

Tidbits: Mac 3D/CAD News: Cheetah3D, solidThinking news and Gesture for iPhone - [18 Sep]

Mac CAD: Nemetschek North America releases VectorWorks 2009 - [15 Sep]

Breaking: speculates Parasolid modeling kernel behind next version of VectorWorks - [10 Sep]

Mac BIM: ArchiCAD and Mac-based architects Orcutt-Winslow deliver new Phoenix ER - [10 Sep]

Mac CAID: Computer-aided Industrial Design software maker spreads wings in Michigan - [10 Sep]

Mac 3D: embraces Mac users - says surge in Macs makes business sense - [5 Sep]

Mac CAD: StreamCAD beta available for Mac - [5 Sep]

Commentary: Swedish AutoCAD developer unhappy: develops alternative - [5 Sep]

3D CAD comes to the iPhone with new iTracer - [3 Sep] Hot!

3D News: Rome Reborn 1.0 - powered by Maya, Max and Nvidia - [29 Aug]

Tidbits: Mac CAD/3D News - ArchiCAD, VectorWorks and Nvidia - [29 Aug]

Mac 3D: New LightUp Photo-Realistic Rendering Plugin for SketchUp - [27 Aug] Hot!

Mac 3D: SU Podium 1.5 now available for Mac OS X - [14 Aug]

SIG: BonZai 3D to be previewed at SIGGRAPH 2008 - [11 Aug]

Mac 3D: Informatix works to get modo 302 support - [7 Aug]

In-Brief: Mac 3D news - Bunkspeed, Autodeskk and e-on Software - [7 Aug]

Mac CAD: ViaCAD 2D/3D now shipping - [6 Aug]

Tidbits: C4D and ArchiCAD, Potential Apple Announcements at NVISION and more... - [5 Aug]

Mac 3D: ButterflyNetRender 4.11 Now Supports Mac OS X Universal Apps - [31 Jul]

Mac 3D: Houdini 9.5 now available for Mac OS X Leopard - [29 Jul] Hot!

Mac 3D: Study shows improved productivity for designers using 3D Mice - [25 Jul] Hot!

Mac 3D: solidThinking acquired by Altair Engineering, releases version 7.6 - [24 Jul] Hot!

Apple shapes future of massive parallelization with OpenCL - [21 Jul]

Tidbits: Mac CAD/3D News: NVISION, Siggraph 2008, Luxology and DAZ - [21 Jul]

Mac 3D: Luxology Launches Education Provider Program - [15 Jul] Hot!

Mac CAD: VectorWorks Training in July - [15 Jul] Hot!

Mac CAD: Olawale Oladunni introduces V-construct VectorWorks Training Solutions - [10 Jul]

Feedback-Clarification: Explaining the rationale behind the Apple questions in our BIM Survey - [10 Jul]

Commentary: Apple and BIM: Should Apple Buy Gehry Technologies? - [9 Jul] Hot!

Commentary: Is Apple Losing a Golden Opportunity with Building Information Modeling? - [8 Jul] Hot!

Architosh Photo Gallery: Apple's Flagship Boston Store - 1 - [8 Jul] Hot!

Architosh Photo Gallery: Apple's Flagship Boston Store - 2 - [8 Jul] Hot!

Mac 3D: Bunkspeed Releases HyperShot v.1.5 - [2 Jul]

Mac CAD: London BIMStorm Competition won by "BIM Vikings" - ArchiCAD at Heart of Solution - [2 Jul] Hot!

SIGGRAPH 2008 News & Reports

Mac 3D: Siggraph Highlights for Mac Users - Part 6 - [25 Aug] Hot!

Mac 3D: Siggraph Highlights for Mac Users - Part 5 - [25 Aug] Hot!

Mac 3D: Siggraph Highlights for Mac Users - Part 4 - [25 Aug] Hot!

Mac 3D: Siggraph Highlights for Mac Users - Part 3 - [25 Aug] Hot!

SIG: DAZ 3D and NaturalPoint Unveil ARENA Real Time Mocap Plugin for DAZ Studio - [21 Aug]

SIG: SynthEyes Tackles 8-core Mac Pros at Siggraph - [21 Aug]

SIG: Nvidia's Siggraph Announcements - RoundUp - [20 Aug]

SIGGRAPH Feature: Architosh Talks to Robert McNeel about Rhino for Mac and more... - [15 Aug] Hot!

SIG: Luxology's modo rendering engine licensed to SolidWorks and Bentley - [13 Aug]

Mac 3D: Siggraph Highlights for Mac Users - Part 2 - [13 Aug]

Mac 3D: Siggraph Highlights for Mac Users - Part 1 - [12 Aug]

SIG: BonZai 3D to be previewed at SIGGRAPH 2008 - [11 Aug]

News & Reports

Over Clocked Mac Pros Now Possible - Ready, Set, Launch! - [30 Jun]

Mac CAD: Ashlar-Vellum Graphite v8 SP1 Beta Now Imports AutoCAD Layouts .... - [27 Jun]

Mac 3D: Ashlar-Vellum releases Cobalt, Xenon and Argon for PowerPC Mac - [27 Jun]

Mac 3D: Kinemac 3D Real Time Animation System Introduced for Mac OS X - [27 Jun] Hot!

Grasshopper: Generative Modeling Tool for Rhinoceros - Mac Version Needs .Net Support - [27 Jun]

Mac CAD: Austin's Greenest High-rise designed with ArchiCAD - [25 Jun]

Mac 3D: Maxwell Render 1.7 Now Available - [23 Jun]

Tidbits: Mac CAD/3D News - Rhino Plugin, VectorWorks Distributor Conference, PanzerCAD, Spore and more... - [23 Jun]

Mac 3D: IMSI/Design Ships IDX Renditioner for Google SketchUp - [19 Jun] Hot!

Exclusive: Graphisoft Leads BIM Industry in Multiprocessing Support - World's Fastest BIM - [16 Jun]

Mac BIM: Graphisoft Introduces ArchiCAD 12 - World's Most Flexible and Fastest BIM - [16 Jun] Hot!

Mac 3D: 3Dconnexion announces full support of 3D Mice for VectorWorks 2008 Series Products - [10 Jun]

Mac CAD: PanzerCAD Releases Camera Match 2008 VectorWorks Plugin - [10 Jun]

Mac 3D: VectorWorks Classes in 3D Modeling & Rendering - [10 Jun]

WWDC: The First Super Utility Phone Now Flys with Games! - [10 Jun]

Mac 3D: Microspot releases 3D Toolbox for Apple Mac Computers - [5 Jun]

In-Brief: VectorWorks 2008 Now Certified for 3Dconnexion's SpaceNavigator 3D Mouse - [5 Jun]

In-Brief: VectorWorks 2008 Service Pack 3 - [5 Jun]

Mac CAD: Siemens Parasolid Version 19.1 - First Release for Apple's 64-bit Mac OS X Leopard - [5 Jun]

Mac PLM: Siemens Delivers New NX 6 - [5 Jun]

Tidbits: Mac CAD/3D News - Rhino, Bunkspeed and Tekla Structures BIM - [2 Jun]

ArchiCAD News: Irwin Pancake Architects win Housing Gold Award for Active Baby Boomers using ArchiCAD BIM - [2 Jun]

In-Brief: ViaCAD 2D/3D V6 Mac Beta Announced - [29 May] Hot!

AIA National Coverage

AIA: Exhibit Show Floor Photos - 1 - [1 Jun] Hot!

AIA: Exhibit Show Floor Photos - 2 - [1 Jun] Hot!

AIA: Exhibit Show Floor Photos - 3 - [1 Jun] Hot!

AIA: National Architects Convention Indexes Stronger Interest in Mac Use and iPhones - [30 May] Hot!

AIA: - Online Codes for Architects and Building Professionals: Works on iPhone - [30 May] Hot!

AIA: AEC Tek TimeSheets Works Equally Well for Macs and Windows Clients - [30 May]

AIA: Exhibit Report 2: Bentley and GenerativeComponents (GC) - [28 May]

AIA: Exhibit Report 1: Nemetschek North America and Graphisoft - [28 May]

AIA: Talking BonZai 3D with Chris Yessios, creator of form.Z - [21 May] Hot!

AIA: American Institute of Architects delivers new contract documents to encourage Integrated Project Delivery - [21 May] Hot!

AIA: form.Z developers announce new BonZai 3D - Preview at AIA 2008 Boston - [13 May] Hot!

AIA: Architosh at National AIA Convention: Index to Show Coverage - [13 May] Hot!

Mac 3D: Autodesk SketchBook Pro 2009 Now Available - [9 May] Hot!

Mac CAD: ArchiCAD architect wins NZIA Resene New Zealand Award - [9 May]

Mac 3D: DAZ's Hexagon 2.5 Delivers Enhanced Toolset for 3D Content Creation - [8 May]

Mac Pros: Graphics Options to Expand - [7 May] Hot!

2002 Architosh report discussed Apple's move to low-power PowerPC chips for a plurality of new devices - [7 May] Hot!

Future PA Semi-based Apple MIDs may utilize virtualization to address multiple markets, including gaming - [7 May] Hot!

Mac 3D: Abvent releases 9 new Media CD-ROMs for Artlantis Media Collection - [30 Apr]

Tidbits: Mac 3D/CAD News - Artlantis to ArchiCAD 11 plugin, Daylite update, Strata Training - [30 Apr]

Mac 3D: Luxology News - John Knolls Interview, modo news - [28 Apr] Hot!

Architosh BIM Survey Off to a Marvelous Start - [25 Apr] Hot!

Architosh conducting Architecture industry BIM survey for 2008: Architosh 2008 BIM Survey Report - [24 Apr] Hot!

Enterprise Workshop: Tool choices for Macs in enterprise locations - [24 Apr]

Interview Series: Architosh Talks to Sean Flaherty, CEO, of Nemetschek North America - Article 8 - [21 Apr] Hot!

ArchiCAD News: alkiTECHNIK headquarters building reduces energy 50% - [21 Apr]

Interview Series: Architosh Talks to Sean Flaherty, CEO, of Nemetschek North America - Article 7 - [18 Apr] Hot!

Interview Series: Architosh Talks to Sean Flaherty, CEO, of Nemetschek North America - Article 6 - [15 Apr] Hot!

Feature Product Review: VectorWorks Architect 2008 - [15 Apr] Hot!

Feature Product Review: Maxon CINEMA 4D v.10.5 - [8 Apr] Hot!

Tidbits: Mac CAD/3D News - modo 302 update, Copper Project for Architecture and Maxon Spring Event - [4 Apr]

Mac BIM: New Napa Valley school to be first verified "green" school - designed using BIM program ArchiCAD - [4 Apr]

Mac CAD: VectorWorks Users Garner Design Awards - AIA and FLASLA Honors- [4 Apr]

Adobe to ship Acrobat 9 for Mac soon - new 3D CAD conversion technology to be built-in to Professional Version - [2 Apr]

Mac 3D: Houdini by Side Effects Software, is coming to the Mac - beta program announced - [2 Apr] Hot!

CAD Society 2008 Awards: Yares, Bass and Riddle win honors for their achievements in the field of computer-aided design - [2 Apr]

Mac CAD: Nemetschek relaunches brand image, introduces new brands and new web sites - [1 Apr] Hot!

Mac CAD: General Contractor achieves "award-winning" results with ArchiCAD- [1 Apr]

Mac 3D: Experimental 3D acceleration with Virtualization from Parallels and VMware - [28 Mar]

Mac BIM: VectorWorks Architect at Residential Build Boston Show - [28 Mar]

Mac CAD: Odessa's ConceptDraw 7 Adds Extensive Cisco Network Solutions Library - [28 Mar]

Mac CAD: CAD Industry to Maintain Solid Growth Despite Poor US Economy - [25 Mar] Hot!

Commentary: 3D CAD on iPhone? You Bet! - [21 Mar] Hot!

Mac BIM: Graphisoft says ArchiCAD START Edition 2008 follows success in Europe and aims solidly at 2D CAD users in the US - [21 Mar] Hot!

Mac CAD: Microspot Interiors updated to v.4.0.2 - [20 Mar]

Tidbits: AMD trims line of business graphics cards - [20 Mar]

Mac 3D: Swedish Demicron announces Mac OS X version of WireFusion 5 - [18 Mar]

Mac CAD: Wine and Architecture Award with ArchiCAD - [18 Mar]

Tidbits: Mac CAD/3D news - MAXON, VectorWorks and LightWorks - [18 Mar]

Tidbits: VectorWorks at JLC Live Show and New Piranesi Web Site - [17 Mar]

Mac CAD: Microspot updates MacDraft product line for Mac OS X Leopard - [17 Mar]

3D Event Boston: Adobe and MAXON present The Power Integration Tour - [12 Mar] Hot!

Mac 3D: Cheetah 3D 4.5 released into the Wild - better Leopard support - [12 Mar]

Tidbits: Mac CAD/3D News - PowerCADD, SketchUp, ArchiCAD in Sweden and VectorWorks - [11 Mar]

Interview Series: Architosh Talks to Sean Flaherty, CEO, of Nemetschek North America - Article 3 - [10 Mar] Hot!

Interview Series: Architosh Talks to Sean Flaherty, CEO, of Nemetschek North America - Article 4 - [10 Mar] Hot!

Interview Series: Architosh Talks to Sean Flaherty, CEO, of Nemetschek North America - Article 5 - [10 Mar] Hot!

Mac CAD: SolidWorks Corporation denies existence of Mac OS X version - says hearsay wrong - [10 Mar] Hot!

Mac CAD: Graphisoft reports "record attendance" at International Partner Conference - [6 Mar]

Feedback: Architosh Reader Says SolidWorks for Mac OS X Due in Barcelona 2008 - [5 Mar] Hot!

ArchiCAD News - Denver architect wins January BEK Competition - [5 Mar]

Mac 3D: Luxology's Rhinoceros and SketchUp Translators for modo - [5 Mar]

Mac CAD: VectorWorks 2008 Student Design Competition Announced - [3 Mar]

Mac 3D: ButterflyNetRender 4.03 Released - [3 Mar]

Mac CAD: Nemetschek North America announces Step by Step with VectorWorks Architect 2008 Training Manual - [3 Mar]

Mac CAD: Localized VectorWorks 2008 Launched in Japan - [26 Feb]

Mac 3D: Autodesk Earns Technical Academy Award for Maya Fluid Effects Technology - [22 Feb]

Mac CAD: Ilexsoft releases HighDesign 1.8 - [22 Feb]

Mac 3D: Nvidia opens up CUDA for Mac OS X Development - [21 Feb]

Mac CAD: VectorWorks 2008 Viewer Now Available - [21 Feb]

Tidbits: Mac CAD/3D News - BeLight Live Interior 3D Update, ICS Partners for One-Stop-Shop for Boston Architects on Mac - [21 Feb]

Tidbits: Mac 3D News - Electric Image update and Bunkspeed News - [20 Feb]

VectorWorks Architect used to create Virtual Tour of Grays of Westminster - [20 Feb]

Interview Series: Architosh Talks to Sean Flaherty, CEO, of Nemetschek North America - Article 1 - [18 Feb] Hot!

Interview Series: Architosh Talks to Sean Flaherty, CEO, of Nemetschek North America - Article 2 - [18 Feb] Hot!

Cadalytic Media releases SpecifiCAD Beta for Graphisoft's leading BIM product ArchiCAD... - [18 Feb]

Tidbits: Mac CAD/3D News - Luxology, Game Confab, Second Life and AC3D, MAXON and Adobe - [18 Feb]

Tidbits: Mac CAD/3D News - VectorWorks at the Grammys and Artlantis now shipping - [14 Feb]

Mac Graphics: NVIDIA had growth rate of 42.3% over prior year - [6 Feb]

Mac 3D: New Artlantis Render and Studio expected shortly - [5 Feb] Hot!

Mac CAD: Graphisoft announces ArchiCAD START Edition 2008 - Makes BIM Affordable - [1 Feb] Hot!

Apple Introduces 30 Coding Headstarts - Now Available with QuickTime Introductory Video - [31 Jan] Hot!

Firm Profile: Bob Augustine Architect: Academia to Practice - [30 Jan]

3D News: Veteran Game Artists to Lead Visual Arts Track on MAXON Body Paint 3D - [30 Jan] Hot!

Feature Product Review: IMSI/Design TurboSketch Studio - [29 Jan]

Mac CAD: VectorWorks User Kevin Shertz wins AIA Design Excellence Award - [22 Jan]

Tidbits: Mac CAD/3D News: Concepts Unlimited, RealFlow, Cheetah 3D and VectorWorks - [11 Jan]

2008 Macworld Expo Reports

MW08: Architosh's Expo Photos 1 - [25 Jan] Hot!

MW08: Architosh's Expo Photos 2 - [25 Jan] Hot!

MW08: Architosh's Expo Photos 3 - [25 Jan] Hot!

MW08: Architosh's Expo Photos 4 - [25 Jan] Hot!

MW08: On the heels of Macworld Expo, Apple's iPhone is going "Corporate" - [18 Jan] Hot!

MW08: Looking at IMSI/Design's new AutoCAD Viewer for Mac - [17 Jan] Hot!

MW08: IMSI/Design announces IDX Renditioner Plug-In for Google SketchUp - [17 Jan] Hot!

MW08: LightWork Design releases LightWorks 7.8 - [17 Jan] Hot!

MW08: CAD and 3D at Macworld Expo - Report 1 - [17 Jan] Hot!

MW08: CAD and 3D at Macworld Expo - Report 2 - [17 Jan] Hot!

MW08: Punch Hosting Home Design Studio Pro sessions at Apple Store SF - [16 Jan] Hot!

MW08: Punch intros ViaCAD Pro - More Powerful Modeling than ViaCAD 2D/3D - [15 Jan] Hot!

MW08: Architecture Sessions at Macworld Expo - [9 Jan] Hot!

Mac 3D: First Spanish company to win Technical Achievement Award in 40 years from Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences - [11 Jan]

Autodesk SketchBook Pro Update - to be shown at Macworld Expo - [8 Jan] Hot!

Apple Mac touch: what it could look like - [4 Jan] Hot!

Mac CAD: Future PowerCADD only to run on Intel Macs - [4 Jan]

Apple in 2008: What Likely Lies Ahead - [2 Jan] Hot!

Feature Product Review: Graphisoft ArchiCAD 11 - [21 Dec] Hot!

Mac CAD: VectorWorks Architect 2008 Named Best Software in Architect Magazine's ACE Awards - [19 Dec] Hot!

Tidbits: Mac CAD/3D News: Green Projects and the iPod Touch, Daylite for Leopard, Turtle, NewTek's Live Set Authoring Tool... - [19 Dec]

Mac CAD: VectorWorks 2008 Product Line Updated to SP2 - Update Taps Leopard Features Specifically - [19 Dec] Hot!

Mac CAD: PINI to distribute ArchiCAD in Brazil - [19 Dec] Hot!

Mac 3D: form-Z News: Google Earth and Collada Plugin Released - [19 Dec] Hot!

Mac CAD: Ashlar Turns 20 and more Ashlar-Vellum News - [17 Dec]

Tidbits: Microspot Interiors Pro, Discounts on Mac CAD/3D Software for the Holidays - [13 Dec] Hot!

Mac 3D: MAXON's BodyPaint 3D used in film "The Golden Compass" - [12 Dec]

Tidbits: FileMaker, Bento, Copper Project, VectorWorks 2008 and more... - [10 Dec]

Mac 3D: Informatix Catches Up with the Mac with Piranesi 5 - [10 Dec] Hot!

Mac 3D: Electric Image Animation Studio 7 - Mac Universal and Now Shipping - [6 Dec] Hot!

SIGGRAPH 2007 Show Reports

SIG: Allegorithmic unveils new procedural texture middlware, ProFX 2.6 - [17 Aug]

SIG: Luxology announces Luxology TV - 3D training is AppleTV ready - [13 Aug]

SIG: SIGGRAPH 2007 News Highlights - [7 Aug]

Mac 3D: Architosh covering SIGGRAPH 2007 - Focus on Mac 3D Technologies - [7 Aug]


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